Category: EDTC 300

Its been a Blast ! Summary of learning   At the beginning of this course, I joined Discord, and I was blogging. I openly discussed my age, growing up (or perhaps my life story), thoughts, reflections, and challenges. Throughout this semester, I continuously improved and developed my writing by adding new ways to express myself,...
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Transforming Classrooms with the Magic Wand (Magic School Ai): A New Teaching Tool

Introduction to AI Tools in Education Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are transforming education by providing creative ways to improve the learning process. Artificial Intelligence is changing the face of education, from automated administrative tasks to personalized learning. In the ever-evolving landscape of education, teachers are constantly seeking new ways...
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Cyber Sleuthing a new friend – who does that?

  I am not sneaky neither am I bad friend  but  it was an assignment in class . In the EDTC 300 class this week we discuss Cyber shaming, cyber vigilantism, and Digital footprint. Our lecturer told us to pick a partner (or group of 3) and cyber sleuth...
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How to learn Coding in minutes

I had thought coding was so difficult and boring even before I tried it and I thought I  wouldn’t be able to do it because my son who just graduated from University took a coding class at 200 level and he complained throughout the class that coding is difficult...
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Digital Literacy in the Digital Age

Digital technologies are becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. Yet, a lot of people do not have access to or understanding of the essential digital skills needed to use online platforms. The Ministry of Education and Schools needs to think about developing a digital literacy curriculum so that...
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I Learned Braille in 6 weeks

It has been quite an interesting journey learning Braille. I started about 5/6 weeks ago and am already learning and practicing the last six alphabets. In 5 weeks I have learned so much and I am glad to say you can learn Braille in 5 weeks depending on you...
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Secrets to Digital Citizenship in the Digital Age

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that According to research, teaching students about online safety in the classroom is essential to assist them in growing up to be responsible and safe technology users. This is especially true if the students are taught how to manage risks rather...
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Cyber Cafe Instead of Cyber Security

This week post on cybersecurity was a tough topic for me because I did not grow up in the era of internet or technology, so cyber security, cyber safety or digital citizenship was not something I knew while growing up. I am a Gen X and the first people...
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Using Technology in my future classrooms

Every student and teacher in every classroom should have access to the technological resources and abilities necessary to successfully help them create the future they desire for themselves. With technology and social media platforms, a world changing rapidly, a new culture of participation creates limitless chances for the community....
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