Two and Three Strand Braids

Two and Three Strand Braids

In my last blog post, I shared how I renew my childhood passion for braiding hair and embarked on a journey to master this intricate art. Since then, I have made significant progress and learned a lot along the way, today I want to share my next steps and the exciting new techniques I am exploring.

Mastering Two- and Three-Strand Braids
Starting with the basics was the best decision I could have made, focusing on perfecting two- and three-strand braids allowed me to build a solid foundation. Practicing these simple styles helped me understand the essential hand movements and tension control needed for more complex braids, one of my proudest moments was when I created a flawless three-strand braid that was even and tight from top to bottom. This achievement boosted my confidence and motivated me to tackle more advanced styles.

Fishtail Braids: This style looks incredibly complex but is actually quite straightforward once you get the hang of it, the trick is to keep the sections of hair small and consistent throughout the braid.

Leveraging Online Resources
The internet continues to be an valuable resource. Here are some specific tools and communities that have been instrumental in my learning process:

YouTube Channels: Channels like “Cute Girls Hairstyles” and “Braidsandstyles12” provide clear, step-by-step tutorials that have been incredibly helpful.
Fishtail braiding
3 strand braiding
Pinterest: This app trove of braiding inspiration and tutorials. I have found countless styles to try and detailed guides that break down each step.
Facebook Groups: Being part of a community of braiding enthusiasts has been wonderful, I can ask questions, share my progress, and get constructive feedback from experienced braiders.
Practicing on Friends and Family
To improve my skills, I have been practicing on friends and family. Their patience and encouragement have been crucial as I navigate the learning curve. Here are some insights from my practice sessions:

Feedback is Key: Honest feedback from my family helps me understand what works and what doesn’t. They have pointed out when braids are too tight, too loose, or uneven, allowing me to adjust my technique.
Experimentation: Trying different hair types and lengths has been enlightening. Each type presents unique challenges and opportunities for learning.
Setting New Goals
As I continue to hone my braiding skills, I have set some new goals for myself:

Learn Advanced Techniques: My next challenge is to master dutch braids and french braids. These styles require a higher level of skill and creativity.
Teach Others: Eventually, I would love to share my knowledge by teaching others how to braid. Whether through tutorials, workshops, or one-on-one sessions, I want to help others discover the joy of braiding. This journey has been incredibly rewarding so far, and I am excited about the future. Each braid I create is a testament to my growth and determination. As I continue to learn and improve, I look forward to sharing my progress and the beautiful styles I create.

Thank you for following along on my braiding adventure.

Nikol Ostrovski

3 thoughts on “Two and Three Strand Braids

  1. Hey friend! This is such a fantastic learning project. I have three girls (one is a competitive gymnast) and have been forced to up my braiding game for her gymnastics meets. HA-HA. I better stick around your page because I might learn new tips and tricks to make my braiding sessions less chaotic. It looks like you are making significant progress.

  2. Hi Nikol! Your blog is set up nicely! Well done! I enjoyed reading your posts so far. Make sure you are up to date on your Learning Project posts by May 27 (post #3)! Otherwise, it looks great 🙂

  3. Hi Nikol not that I braid hair or have ever attempted it before. But in saying that your structured approach to learning, starting with the basics and moving towards more complex styles, is great. It shows a thoughtful and methodical progression in your skill development doing this.

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