Integrating Digital Citizenship in the Classroom
Increasing digital literacy in the classroom is essential for combating fake news and its associated dangers. In my subject area and grade range, teaching digital literacy could be integrated into the curriculum through various engaging and practical methods. Here’s a comprehensive approach based on the goals of the NCTE framework and insights from several key articles:
Teaching Digital Literacy in the Classroom
- Critical Evaluation of Sources:
- Lesson Plan: Begin with lessons on how to critically evaluate the credibility of online sources. Use resources like the Stanford History Education Group’s evaluations on civic online reasoning to guide students through identifying reliable sources.
- Activity: Have students compare different news articles on the same topic from Break the Fake, discussing bias, credibility, and the presence of factual information.
- Media Literacy:
- Lesson Plan: Incorporate media literacy by analyzing various types of media, including news articles, social media posts, and videos. Use the “Checkology” platform from the News Literacy Project to provide interactive lessons on identifying misinformation.
- Activity: Assign students to create their own news stories, ensuring they follow guidelines for credible journalism. This can help them understand the elements of trustworthy reporting.
- Digital Footprint and Online Behavior:
- Lesson Plan: Educate students on the importance of their digital footprint and responsible online behavior. Utilize Common Sense Education’s digital citizenship curriculum, which offers resources on managing one’s online presence and understanding the long-term implications of their digital actions.
- Activity: Have students create a digital portfolio that includes reflections on their online behavior, the impact of their digital footprint, and strategies for maintaining a positive online presence.

Tying to the Curriculum
- English Language Arts:
- Integrate digital literacy into reading and writing assignments. For example, students can write persuasive essays on the importance of digital literacy, using evidence from credible online sources.
- Analyze the rhetoric and persuasive techniques used in fake news versus legitimate news articles as part of a media literacy unit.
- Social Studies:
- Discuss the role of media in shaping public opinion and its impact on democracy. Use historical examples and current events to illustrate these concepts.
- Encourage students to research and present on how misinformation has influenced significant historical events or public policies.
- Science:
- Teach students how to distinguish between credible scientific information and pseudoscience Find the Fake. Use case studies on topics like climate change, vaccinations, and nutrition to show how fake news can distort scientific facts.
- Have students create infographics that accurately represent scientific data and debunk common myths.
Incorporating NCTE Framework Goals
- Developing Proficient Readers:
- Encourage students to read a wide variety of texts, including digital media, to develop their ability to analyze and interpret information critically.
- Use the NCTE’s guidelines to help students understand the importance of context, purpose, and audience in reading digital texts.
- Enhancing Communication Skills:
- Promote the use of digital tools for communication, such as blogging, video presentations, and social media. Teach students how to communicate effectively and ethically in these formats.
- Incorporate peer reviews and collaborative projects that require students to evaluate and provide feedback on each other’s digital work.
- Fostering Lifelong Learning:
- Encourage students to develop habits of inquiry and critical thinking that they can apply beyond the classroom. Use the NCTE’s framework to emphasize the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in a digital world.
- Provide opportunities for students to explore their interests through independent research projects that require them to evaluate digital sources critically.
2 thoughts on “Integrating Digital Citizenship in the Classroom”
Hi Nicol! I like how structured your blog post is, especially with its inclusion of examples detailing how digital citizenship can be integrated across various classroom subjects. Also, providing activities for each lesson plan adds depth to the organization which is essential for effective teaching and learning. Great job!!
Hi Nikol! I enjoyed the way you outlined your thinking through headers in this post. It was very easy to read. I liked the lesson plan ideas you incorporated into your Teaching digital literacy section. I think this will be such a great resource to go back to when you are teaching full time! Have you used any of these lessons in your own teaching? If so how did they work with students?