Mapping Introduction

Mapping Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Nikol Ostrovski and this is my map that explains my life story. I will start off with school, as it is very important to me in who I want to be. Next is work on the days that I do not have school I am usually at work, I work at Evolution Fitness which is a gym in Regina. My house of course the most important, the area that I live in is very calm not too busy of streets and really nice people around. Fun fact the tree that we have in the front lawn, my family and I planted that tree together and it is still alive! The store is a part of my life almost every second day always have to go and grab something, at the gym, as I work in the gym I get a free membership, but Evolution Fitness has 3 locations and I usually go to a different location from the one I usually work at to work out. The park is right by my house and this park brings back lots of memories as a child growing up, especially the big hill, I remember my family and I would always go to this hill in our free time and watch the sunset. There is a river that flows through the park it is very peaceful to walk by and my dog also lives swimming in it… The dance studio is one of my favorite places to be when I am not busy with school or work as I love to dance and I also love to teach it. 

Thank you!