Welcome to the Culinary Canvas!!
Hello everyone for my learning project of this class i will be doing cooking and baking. I’ve always had a passion for cooking and baking since my childhood and I usually try out new recipes by looking from different sources, such as books and the internet. I also try taking recipes from my friends and family. For me this is a great way of learning as I’m an international student and I usually cook different meals for me every single day. I try to prep meals beforehand so that it saves me some time but sometimes i don’t have the energy to make new recipes. This project will help me to push myself up so that I can make and bake new recipes.
My goal is to find new recipes so that i can share with everybody else. I usually learn from YouTube and Instagram. However, I make more of the recipes that are taught to me by my mom. In this way, I will be able to eat healthier meals rather than just having takeout. I usually try my Indian traditional recipes but i also try to make some other cuisines as well. My Indian traditional recipes but I also tried to make some other cuisines as well. I had some experience in both cooking and baking as I’ve been doing it since I was 10.
I have found a website called VAH REH VAH . This website guides me with all the ingredients and measurements that I will be requiring for that specific recipe. I hope after a few weeks I will be able to make different cuisines and can start trying out different desert recipes.