Monthly Archives: February 2025
Week 5: Movitation Needed
I’m finding myself at a point where I need more motivation to keep me on track with my cello. We have been away from home for half of the month and when I’m not practicing I have a hard time … Continue reading
“Today we have a presentation about the dangers of social media…”
Does creating fear ever work when it comes to teaching children and teens? Or adults, for that matter? Are we really more likely to stop doing gratifying things just because we know they’re bad for us? If we look at … Continue reading
Week 4: Pinterest for the W!
This week I wanted to continue on my left-hand technique with the cello. As I mentioned last week, we spent 6 days in Calgary, which meant that there was a lot of driving time that I could use to search … Continue reading
From Lurker to Leader
Would you consider yourself to be an active participant on the web? What does that even mean? In his 2009 report titled Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture, Henry Jenkins describes participatory culture as “… a culture with relatively low … Continue reading
Week 3: Go Where the Web Takes You
“Just let me find my note…” This week started with a mission to get comfortable with the fingerboard of the cello, and took a bit of a turn (in a great way) the more I got into things. Day 1: … Continue reading