A Little About Me!

September 24, 2024 1 By Peter Shoobert

Hey everyone!! I am Peter Shoobert. At the moment of this blog post, I am in my third year of secondary education, majoring in mathematics and minoring in social studies. I’ve spent my whole life in Regina, Saskatchewan, being very fortunate in school as I’ve had great teachers. The reason I want to be an educator is because of the experience I had throughout my school years. I was very fortunate to have great teachers who wanted to see me succeed and gave me ample opportunities to do so. My elementary school principal was a big role model for me. He was a great teacher and my first basketball coach. Way back in grade 3 he took on me and 5 of my classmates to teach us basketball and coached us until we graduated high school. Not only did he inspire me to become a teacher, but also a coach as well. Currently, I am coaching football at Balfour Collegiate and plan to coach basketball at Campbell Collegiate for the second year in a row.


My experience with educational technology is not as vast as it probably should be. In my first year of university I worked on this E-portfolio in ECS 101, so that helped with the beginning of this class since I became pretty comfortable with edusites, so feel free to reach out if you need some help!!! Since then I have not been exposed to any educational technology so blogging is new to me. I have never blogged before, but I am excited to learn more about it as it seems like a great way to get thoughts and messages across, something I could undoubtedly find use for as a future educator. I enjoyed developing my E-portfolio as I can display things as I want and be as creative as I want and make it me. I look forward to doing the same thing with blogging.

Something that I am very passionate about is mindfulness. I have a page all about this on my E-Portfolio if you want to take a look here. Also, the woman who introduced me to mindfulness, Trina Markusson, has a website about all of this, which I highly recommend you check out. Mindfulness is a practice of being focused on the present moment and not living in the past or worrying about the future. This is something that has helped me greatly. I find myself calmer, less stressed, and overall happier in my day to day life because I am not hung up on things that have happened or might happen. Through University it has helped me manage stress with classes and life in general, so I like to always share these resources since it helped me so much. I hope it can help others just as much too.