Technology in My Day to Day Life

October 1, 2024 0 By Peter Shoobert

Technology to me is both super useful and super addicting. The technology I use the most is my phone, laptop, and ps5. When using my laptop I am very productive. I use it almost strictly for school. I hardly find myself distracted by something on my laptop. My phone on the other hand is a double-edged sword. I love the ability that I have to stay in touch with all of my friends and family that I don’t get to see very often, but I get distracted by social media apps on my phone constantly. I’ll finish a task and then end up doom-scrolling on my phone, ruining all of my productivity. In fact I recently deleted Instagram and youtube from my phone because It was getting to be too much of a distraction with school and completing assignments and studying. In the summer I will for sure download them again because I like to see what adventures my friends are on, but ever since deleting them I find myself on my phone much less and way more focused on school. My sleep has improved too. Usually before going to bed I would scroll a ”few posts” but always end up scrolling way more than I need to. I still have Snapchat, but that is not a big distraction for me. My ps5 is not a distraction either, but I will play some games if I have free time. I use it to connect with my friends who moved away for school, so it’s always fun but doesn’t get in the way of other things I need to do.

woman, mobile phone, listening to music

Photo by sweetlouise on Pixabay

When I really need to focus on school or an assignment I will leave my phone in a different room than the one I’m working in to eliminate all distractions. This has worked pretty well for me so far. I personally don’t use any apps or tools to manage school assignments. I just write down all my assignments in order so I know which to do first and how long I have to do them. My sister used to have this app on her phone she would use all the time when doing school. On the app, you would set a timer for however long you wanted to focus and the app grew a tree over that time. If you were to leave the app to go to other apps, the tree would die. My sister used this and for some reason, it was pretty effective, she did not want to hurt that tree.

Overall I’ve found I need to completely eliminate the distraction for it to be effective. I have had apps in the past that limit screen time, but I found ways around them all unfortunately. After deleting apps I don’t feel that I am missing anything which is good because that keeps me in control of distractions.