Mapping Introduction

My name is Raine Chornomitz and I grew up all my life in Treaty 6 Territory in Annaheim, SK. This is my third year in elementary education and I’ve been living in Treaty 4 Territory in Regina for school during these three years. As Christensen dissected throughout her article “Mapping Childhood,” places remind us of our experiences and lessons we’ve learned. For my Mapping Introduction map, I have chosen places near my home and from my childhood that have taught my biggest lessons and created the best memories that I think will heavily contribute to my foundation for teaching and my pedagogy. 

Annaheim is a small village with a population of around 200 people. Living in a small town means everyone knows everyone. This looked like learning to drive at a young age on a neighbors field once their crops were off, or using their field to target practice before hunting season. On the map I chose to surround and seclude my home with trees to represent the acreage I lived on being separate from the town. I was always proud to be a “farm kid” and still am. At home, I learned many lessons through exploring in the bush, and playing with my older sister. Growing up almost always outdoors has really given me a love and appreciation for what nature has to offer us which greatly impacts my pedagogy as an educator. Next on the map is the reservoir where our local wildlife federation stocks the trout and where my dad had taught me the tips and tricks to catching this kind of a fish. The only “store” in town was the local Annaheim Bar & Grill. I always consider this place as a coming-of-age location as in my K-12 school, once you reached grade 9 you were allowed to walk around town at noon. This was our chosen location where we would find ourselves with candy bags playing pool. The hall served our town many purposes such as a dance studio, banquet hall, theatre, and much more. I learned many lessons of teamwork, leadership, and responsibility through my dance club here. The park and big hill were both on the school grounds where I spent most of my time in elementary school navigating life as a child with my friends. During this summer I had the chance to EA at this school which was a unique full-circle moment: from student, EA, and maybe one day a teacher there as well. Lastly, I have a church on the map which is right across the street from the school where I spent a few summers in Bible Camp during elementary. Although I am Ukrainian Catholic, this Roman Catholic church has contributed to my faith and perspectives my whole life. These places throughout my map are a reflection and a reminder of where I came from and what I believe.