Hello fellow EDTC300 people! I’m so happy you made it here

black and grey dog with its tongue out, background of a lake, hills, sky and clouds
My adorable doggo named Sully!

Hello and welcome here! I’m Raisa, a pre-service teacher, former SPED Educational Assistant, esthetician, and dog mom.

In future posts I will delve into the details of how my journey started, the twist and turns, and how I ended up here. For now, I will begin with my thoughts on technology in the classroom at the outset of EDTC300.  

Technology is an important tool to utilize in the classroom, because love it or hate it, it’s here. I remember being in middle school when using computers regularly for projects and assignments became a bit more mainstream (anyone remember the computer lab?). I remember being plunked down in front of a computer and told “okay, do some research on xyz…” and using google search as the only resource for answering the questions I had. The only other thing I knew how to do on a computer was play coolmathgames. This is clearly not an effective approach for teaching children to use technology and online resources to further their learning. I believe it is important to teach students how to actually find and use online resources, as this is a skill that they are going to need for the rest of their lives. Actually showing kids how to find and use reliable sources, utilize videos, and learn from technology is imperative to their learning in high school and post-secondary studies. 

I am excited to start this blogging journey, as I am so passionate about education and now have an outlet in which to talk to like-minded people who share my zeal! I am also an organization fanatic, so being able to manipulate the layout of my blog is also exciting for me. However, any time I have tried to keep a daily journal I have not been successful, but having guidelines surrounding weekly posts will keep me accountable. 

I am quite eager to share my thoughts on all things education and to interact with my peers! 


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