Blog Post 9

November 16, 2021 1 By rkp048

When I think about my Math class experience in high school, I don’t remember anything ever good about it. I didn’t find most of the material we are forced to retain relevant to what I wanted to do. When I got into math 101 the only thing I knew from high school was algebra. My math teacher always made comments about how band wasn’t important and I should “work on math” instead of practicing for either university audition, or honour band/NYB audition. Math was always more “important” but looking back now, it was so irrelevant and is still currently irrelevant. The only good memory I have with numbers is when I took an online physical Science class, my teacher took interest in the fact that I was very passionate about music and helped me understand some of the material by relating it to music theory. I absolutely loved that class and wanted to take Chemistry as a minor, but decided not too when I got here.

I enjoyed reading Poirier’s article because it is challenging math being a universal language. It is showing that there are different approaches to math and different ways to think about it. I always struggled with math and seeing that there is other ways to understand it and other ways to visualize it is very interesting.