Beyond the Blackboard

Considering how our world is changing and Michael Wesch’s idea of the new culture of participation, it is clear that technology has transformed our learning and interaction. We are no longer just passive observers, but active contributors to the online world. The emergence of the internet and social media has allowed everyone to have a…

Korean Cuisine Unveiled: Appetizer Edition!

This is my first week of trying out my skills in recreating dishes from South Korea. My first stop? Appetizers!! In the last decade, appetizers have been the spotlight of the food industry. Whether families choose to eat out or have friends over, appetizers have been a go-to for a lot of people. I could…

Tech and Yours Truly

Most of my digital activities revolve around work and school, making up about 90% of my online routine. I’m comfortable with Google classroom, EDSBY, Canva, UR Courses, and Spotify– which helps me stay afloat. Thanks to EDTC300 class, I’ve recently embraced Discord for positive social interactions online. I also hop on Facebook occasionally to message…

Breaking Ground

Hello there, fellow EDTC 300 classmates – novice and seasoned bloggers!    My name is Rowena Cuento, currently enrolled in the BEAD program at the University of Regina, focusing in the middle-years education. After a series of internal pep talks, I rounded up my courage to begin my blogging journey. This initial step was both…