EDTC 300

Breaking Ground

Agriculture Stock photos by Vecteezy

Hello there, fellow EDTC 300 classmates – novice and seasoned bloggers!    My name is Rowena Cuento, currently enrolled in the BEAD program at the University of Regina, focusing in the middle-years education. After a series of internal pep talks, I rounded up my courage to begin my blogging journey. This initial step was both intimidating and liberating, a feeling I guess some of us can relate to. The thrill of sharing my first-ever blog with you all is remarkable and I must send a resounding shoutout to our professor, Dr. Katia Hildebrandt, for guiding us on this blogging adventure. To my classmates Dayna and Mariia whose insightful tool recommendations proved invaluable in setting up my blog site- you two are amazing!

As a newbie in the world of educational technology, I hold a deep admiration for those who effortlessly navigate this rapidly evolving aspect of our educational landscape. I acknowledge the Importance of Technology in Education and the benefits it can do if responsibly used and applied. Working as an EA, my exposure to educational technology is moderate as I have helped students navigate their google classroom and EDSBY accounts. I am fully aware that every individual has their own way of learning. Some people may engage better using technology, while others would prefer the traditional approaches to learning. Whichever boat we are in, we as future educators need to find a balance in using educational technology in the classroom. The responsible use of educational technology will be an invaluable tool to better support students and move them forward in today’s tech-filled world where students are getting more exposed to various kinds of social media platforms and online learning resources, like Chat GPT and other AI tools.

This short clip highlights the value of having technology in the classroom, and its ability to improve relationships between learners and educators.

Starting this blog is a big deal for me. It’s my first one ever! Pretty surprising, right? My reluctance and fear of clicking the wrong button causing everything to crash has held me back from exploring more technology and online tools. However, I have come to terms with my scaredy self that there’s no harm in trying. So here I am- crossing my fingers that at the end of this term, I still have all my brain cells together. Will I keep blogging after this class? Only time will tell as I continue to overcome the challenges of navigating and learning more about educational technology. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better as we go through this term together.


  1. Hi Rowena!

    It’s inspiring to see your enthusiasm and determination as you embark on this journey, especially as a newbie in the realm of educational technology. Your willingness to overcome your fears and dive into new technologies is commendable, and I have no doubt that you’ll navigate this learning curve with grace and success. Remember, every step you take, no matter how small, is a step forward in your growth journey. I’m excited to follow along with your blog and witness your progress firsthand.

    1. Hello Anna!

      Thank you for the encouragement and belief in my journey into educational technology. It means a lot knowing you’re cheering me on. I’ll keep pushing forward, one step at a time, and I’m thrilled to have you join me on this journey through my blog.

  2. Hi Rowena, I just wanted to let you know you are doing wonderful. I know the blogging world can feel a bit daunting and slightly overwhelming. Your first post here is great! I really like how you acknowledged the different ways students learn and how educators need to find balance in the classroom. I think that is an excellent point to make about modern vs traditional ways of teaching. Keep up the great work! I am looking forward to following along in your blogging journey.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Sabrina! I truly appreciate your support and kind feedback. I’m also delighted that you enjoyed my first post and found the discussion on different learning styles and teaching approaches valuable. Stay tuned for more insights and reflections ahead!

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