EDTC 300 / Learning Project

Korean Cuisine Unveiled: Beverage and Side Dish Edition!

Dalgona Coffee:

Who doesn’t enjoy coffee? Probably there are some who don’t. However, according to research, 71% of Canadians enjoy  coffee and drink it at least once a day, which is pretty much comparable to Koreans who do at 70%. I don’t drink regular coffee; I do, however, drink decaf coffee a.k.a fake caffeine! People can easily tell if I have regular coffee in my bloodstream because I will just be spinning around all day- like a machine that does not at all get tired! Occasionally I love to drink decaf specialty coffees. Especially on days when I need to pacify myself from a full day of working and a night of homework. It is so rewarding to know that coffee is readily available and that baristas can really make it taste like a real treat!

Dalgona coffee is one of those beverages that looks enticing. So, I decided to give it a shot and find out for myself if it’s worth the try. The ingredients are all readily available and the steps seem straightforward; plus, it’s a cold beverage, so it would really be a perfect summer beverage, if I get it right!

The origin of Dalgona coffee  can be referenced back over two decades ago. However, this coffee craze became a world trend during the Covid-19 pandemic, when people were trying to occupy themselves with things they could do within the comfort of their home.

There are a handful of Korean Dalgona coffee recipes online, but for the purpose of this learning project, I chose the one that appealed to me the most. Kimchimari is the online resource I used for this recipe. I admire Jinjoo’s humble overview of herself and the love she has for her family and for what she does.

I made 2 cups of Dalgona coffee- initially for my husband and I, however, I totally forgot that my eight-year-old son can literally have it too, because honestly, it tasted like the Cadbury crunchie bar. So, I made one for him the next day- and he loved it! This recipe I tried for Dalgona coffee was top-notch and I have added it to my list of homemade beverages!

This is the online resource that I followed to recreate Dalgona coffee:

I hope you find this resource useful when you try to recreate it your own!

These are the pictures I have taken while making Dalgona coffee and after  I recreated it!




Food in Jars: Delving into the Flavors of Kimchi!

Kimchi is a popular Korean side dish that has been around for the last 4,000 years.  Kimchi is known for its health benefits, including its probiotic components and the origin of this flavorful side dish is really fascinating.

My first encounter with this dish came 17 years ago and I never thought I would ever try it again. But it seems that preferences change with time. I was on board a Korean Airline flight 12 years ago. I was going through the menu for supper and thought- why not give kimchi a second try! And so, I did. I honestly enjoyed it a lot more than the first time I tasted it. Probably because the seasoning was a little milder or it paired well with the main dish I chose. Whatever the reason is- I thought to myself- this isn’t bad at all! After that time, I developed an appetite for kimchi and is now a household staple. The thing that I haven’t tried though is how to make it from scratch! Thank you to this EDTC 300 learning project because it pushes me to explore things beyond my comfort zone and I can’t wait to see how this would turn out. Keep following along as I delve into the art of making napa cabbage kimchi from Maangchi.  This side dish is absolutely fascinating because there is just one main ingredient, however, the fusion of spices is bursting in flavor that makes it a real flavorful side dish.

I decided to prepare kimchi a couple weeks before my plan to recreate a main dish because I want to make sure that it has enough time to go through the fermentation process and be ready to be paired with the main dish for week 4. So, journey with me as I explore this healthy and vital part of the food culture of Korea.

This is the online resource I followed to recreate Kimchi:

I hope you find this resource useful when you try to recreate it your own!

Here are the images I captured from my kimchi making adventure!



Reflection on the Learning Process

This week’s culinary expedition taught me that learning, whether online or in person, is definitely a journey that takes effort. Making kimchi taught me the importance of giving things time to develop their best flavor, and trying out Dalgona coffee showed me the need for balance. Both experiences taught me to be patient and enjoy the process.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to miss the beauty around us. I’ve learned to slow down and appreciate the little things.

Also, I’ve found some great tools like IMresizer and TinyPNG. They make resizing images easy without losing quality. Canva has been a big help too, with its templates for organizing images. These apps keep me productive and let my creativity flow.


  1. Your blog is amazing! Both in content and layout. I would follow you in the real world. I love food and your use of visual elements makes reading super enticing. Great job! I’ve got work to do haha you are my inspo now 🙂

    1. Hello Kate!
      Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoyed both the content and the layout of my blog. Your support means a lot to me, especially as I continue to learn and grow. Happy exploring, and I wish you all the best in your learning project, too!

  2. Hi Rowena,
    That looks amazing!
    You have done a fabulous job and you have been consistent with your catchy and creative look! I just started drinking coffee sometime last year and this is a must-try for me because the pictures are so tempting, and you made it look so easy to make. So why won’t I try it?
    I liked the look of your finalized version with the picture of your son with a thumbs up (he is your son, and he is so cute!) and it is a thumbs up for me as well.
    I cannot wait to see what your next post will be.

    1. Hello Ola!

      Thank you so much for your generous compliments! I am thrilled to hear that you found the Dalgona coffee recipe appealing. I hope you give it a try and enjoy it! I also appreciate your sweet comment about my son, he’s my absolute cheerleader! I am looking forward to sharing more of this delightful journey!

  3. Hi Rowena,
    Your blog is set up in such an intriguing way! I could not help but continue looking through each post because of the way you intrigue the viewer! You have such a strong foundation for your blog and I am excited to keep learning and reading about your journey!

    1. Hello Dylan,
      Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled to hear that you find the setup intriguing and that you’re enjoying exploring the posts. I’m excited to share more of my journey, so stay tuned for further updates!

  4. Hi Rowena! Your blog looks amazing! I can tell you are putting a lot of thought and effort into each post. Keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to seeing your other creations!! 🙂

    1. Hello Kiera!
      Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. I’m thrilled you’re enjoying the blog. I’ve got some exciting stuff planned, so stay tuned!

  5. Hello Bridget!
    Thank you for your message! It’s funny how trends spread, isn’t it? I had no idea about Dalgona coffee’s Korean origins either until recently. I’m glad my attempt turned out well! I like the versatility of the ingredients and that it can be adjusted to accommodate varied dietary restrictions This recipe is definitely worth a try, especially if you’re planning to make it for your parents. It’s a fun and tasty treat. Let me know how it goes if you do give it a shot!

  6. Hi Rowena,
    I remember when this type of coffee what trending on TikTok, but I only knew it as ‘whipped coffee’. I had no idea that this beverage was actually created in Korea! It looks like your attempt at this worked really well, I would never have known that you had never tried to make Dalgona Coffee before. I myself am not a coffee drinker, but I would love to try this recipe for my parents. Thank you so much for sharing this, it looks delicious!

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