Elementary music education & Place-base learning

“Music education allows one to be in culture… [students] develop students socially and emotionally, thus strengthening their sense of place.” (Brook 290). Music helps students find their place within their cultures, and understand the cultures of their peers. It helps build expression of emotion, understanding of deeper meanings, being able to analyze, understand meanings and hidden messages within them. Music brings a great sense of joy and comfort for many, and it also helps to grab the attention of those in the younger ages. Place- based education is about helping students build a positive, healthy, and respectful relationship within each other and the land that they are on. It created a sense of community, helps  keep the world that we are in healthy, and teaches them how to take care of the earth. In a way it incorporates Indigenous life style of taking care of the land and giving to it not just taking, and by showing chidden how they can give back to the land is extremely important in the long run. Furthermore, it allows them to build deeper connections, like not was mentioned “place-based education acknowledges the importance of diversity within a community and that through the exploration of place one can come to understand diverse practices within a particular context” (Brook 294). By allowing them access to the community around them and them being able to see how different cultures do things, it helps build their knowledge of diversity and see for themselves the importance of it. As a teacher it is important for me to allow children to be able to express themselves the way they want. Giving them the opportunity to show their culture to their classmates, taking them to green houses, science centres, and even indoor gardens and showing them how to grow plants and where they all come from, and just allowing them to be able to express themselves in the way they want will help them find their place within society.

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