Building Curriculum

Levin highlighted a lot throughout his article but what stood out to me the most is just how much impact politics have within it. In past classes and some of my personal readings for assignments I realized that the idea outcome of the curriculum has changed. It went from the basic knowledge that every child should know, to getting taught what would benefit and help them get jobs in the future, and in these cases they are jobs like working in factories or other jobs that are not so common in todays society. politics have gotten control on the curriculum in ways that will only benefit them, they are controlling what children are learning, and they have the upper hand to cut out important topics such as the economy or historical events that show when they failed. This is because of the fact that they are relying on children to trust, respect, and obey them and if they show the bad they have done they are ultimately losing control over new generations.

The control politics has on the curriculum shows more when looking into Treaty Education. This curriculum is build to teach children the basics but not actually go into detail about the history of what really happens, because of the fact that if children where taught what really happened to Indigenous people in the past, those political figures that have great impact will lose control of generations to come.

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