Hip hop

Hip hop has had a bad stigma around it, however what many do not  realize that many of the songs can bring an insight of many social issues. It is a form of expression for those who don’t know how to put their thoughts into words, its a way of connecting those who are being impacted with those social issues with those who aren’t. It teaches healthy coping mechanisms because it allows students to express what they are feeling. Hip hop and any other form of music is usually pushed aside when it comes to education because it is believed that it is a form of entertainment, but what is not realized is just how much listening or creating music can help a child become connected with themselves and others around in deeper levels. It can also create more fun when teaching children about particular skills such as “it seeks a balance among critical thinking, reflection, analysis, and action.” (Akom 56). When students get to a certain age music becomes a big part of their lives weather they are listening creating it, and by using music especially ones that they can personally resonate with to help them critical life skills, it allows them to learn faster and find the porous behind those skills. The use of music should become regulated within the classroom to help children develop skills and be able to identify true meanings in the things that bring them comfort.

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