Assessment On Assessment


On the first quiz “where are we going” I scored a 60%. I feel that I have a great deal of curriculum knowledge and know what outcomes my students need to complete. I also take into the consideration of students and allow them to correct their mistakes as well as show them what is expected of them with examples of the assignments. Something that I would like to work on is creating and planning for scaffolding assignments. I want all my students to succeed and sometimes that means that they need building blocks along the way in order for them to reach the right criteria.

On the second quiz “how are we doing” I scored a 70%. I believe that I do a good job of demonstrating learning by going over practice questions as a class and allowing students to ask all questions before their assessment. I also feel that I give my students good feedback in a timely manner, but there is always room to improve. I want to work towards telling my students how they can do better and succeed rathe than just stating what they did wrong. Something I need to work on in this aspect is student metacognition. My students deserve to have some say in how they are assessed and be aware and in control of parts of the rubric and grading criteria.

On the third quiz “where to next” I scored a 70%. I do very well in student motivation and engagement and pushing my students to where I know they can be, as I want them to reach their pull potential. I also did well in the teacher growth section as I believe that all my actions, judgments, and decisions are in the best interests of my students and cooperating teachers. Something that I could improve on is goal setting.

On the fourth quiz “communicating with stakeholders” I scored a 70%. I think that I do well in how I communicate my students results with them. Whether is be verbally or on paper, the process is always confidential. I know with proper feedback the students can know what to do better for next time.

On the fifth and final quiz “system-based assessment literacy” I scored a 40%. I am aware that I do not look at the statistics of world wide, country wide, and school division wide assessment results, as I think that each student is their own person and is capable of scoring completely different grades on assessments. Although I should take into account the actions and using results in my assessments and teaching to ensure that I am giving the best advice and teaching in the most fair way I can.


On the first quiz “where are we going” I scored a 80%. I improved drastically on my knowledge of the curriculum, as I have explored it more and am teaching in a split classroom right now. My planning of lessons and being able to scaffold them for all students has also improved. I feel comfortable making a lesson plan and unit plan. Something that I could still work on is engaging students in the assessment process by making up the rubric together and having the students input rather than just making it on my own.

On the second quiz “how are we doing” I scored a 80%. I improved on giving the students feedback on their assessments, which is crucial in order for them to grow and learn. By having feedback students will know how to improve and what they did good on. I believe that I did a good job demonstrating my expectations of the assessment and giving clear instruction to my students. But something that I still need to improve on, the same as last time I did this quiz was student metacognition. I have a hard time allowing students to direct their own learning and evaluate their own or their classmates work because often times students are not mature enough to do so.

On the third quiz “where to next” I scored a 90%. I severely increased my score within the student motivation and engagement portion of this. I found that by doing this it helps students feel more comfortable and with encouragement it makes the students more likely to do their work as well. And as a teacher I love to see the smiles on students faces after I tell them how they did such a good job.

On the fourth quiz “communicating with stakeholders” I scored a 90%. I did a good job with communicating the results of assessments with students, family members, and other teachers, as it is crucial for all three to know the grade the student is sitting at the the knowledge that they have. Something that I could improve in is communicating the results of of assessments with broader groups such as the school, and school division.

On the fifth and final quiz “system-based assessment literacy” I scored a 80%. This time I did a better job at being aware of the assessment results of the grade, school and school division. We were given these results by our coop teacher at our pre internship and they were very interesting to look at and comparing to the students in our class. Where as using those results I also got better at as the Regina Public School Division has made websites and lessons mandatory for all schools to ensure all students are learning at the same pace and the same way.