Teaching Philosophy & Manifesto

Pedagogy “I believe…” 

That my pedagogical approach is integrative and that each individual teacher’s pedagogy will be different depending on who, what, where and when, and that their pedagogy itself can change over time. 

“In my classroom, I will…” 

Continuously work towards growing and creating my pedagogy to make my students more receptive during my lessons. 

Assessment “I believe…”

That assessments are not only for the teachers to have a better understanding of the students’ knowledge, but for the students to show what they know and how they came to that way of knowing.

“In my classroom, I will…” 

Create different assessments based on my students level of knowledge, interests, and culture to allow everyone to have a safe and fun learning environment that is ever changing. 

Social Justice “I believe…”

That social justice is about the fair distributions of opportunities and privileges no matter the students gender, economic state, or race. 

“In my classroom, I will…”

I will treat all my students the same and offer all my students equal opportunities to succeed, while also offering all my students the tools and knowledge to do so.  

Lifelong Learning “I believe…”

That lifelong learning is important as it is good for our brain, mental well being and self esteem. Continuing to advance your education throughout your life can lead to advancements in jobs, school and relationships. 

“In my classroom, I will…” 

Strive to push students to continue their education and learning throughout their lifetime, while also knowing they don’t need to necessarily take classes to accomplish this.