Navigating the Digital Landscape: A Guide to Teaching Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

In today’s digital age, teaching digital citizenship has become increasingly vital. As educators, we are responsible for guiding our students in navigating the digital world responsibly and ethically. This blog post explores how to approach digital citizenship in the classroom and how to teach the nine elements of digital citizenship.

Wooden blocks with words 'Digital citizen'. Business, technology, internet concept.

Digital Citizen

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As the Networked Learning course ends, I reflect on the valuable interactions and learning experiences shared with my peers in this vibrant online community. Collaboration and knowledge sharing have been at the core of our learning journey, and I am proud to have contributed to the learning of others in meaningful ways. In this final blog post, I want to highlight some key ways I have supported my classmates and engaged with the Networked Learning community.

Throughout the course, I have actively engaged with my peers through various means, including commenting on classmates’ blogs, participating in discussions on Discord, and creating resources to aid in our collective learning.

In conclusion, the Networked Learning course has been a transformative experience, and I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from such a talented group of individuals. I am proud of my contributions to the learning community and look forward to staying connected with my peers beyond this course. We have fostered a culture of sharing, growth, and support that will continue to inspire us in our future endeavors. Below is a PowerPoint presentation on my contribution to learning of myself and others.

Thank you for being part of this incredible learning journey!

Sandra Vincent. pptx

CHATGPT: When AI Stops Being Artificial and Starts Getting Real

Generative AI Is here to stay, whether it scares us or not, and is improving. Last year, it was easy to spot AI-generated images; they usually had some deformities or looked in a certain way, but now it’s getting more real, just like Alec Couros mentioned and illustrated in the video; the first beer commercial looked absurd, the characters were deformed and creepy but a year after the videos have improved greatly and, now we can only foretell how real this videos would be in the future.

This technology has raised concerns about its possibilities and dangers. I think it would cause a lot of trouble in the future if not controlled; anyone with evil intentions can create deep fakes to indict someone else.

As an educator, CHATGPT is an AI tool I have explored and found helpful and instrumental to my class work. It is easy, direct and fast.

Please click on this link to learn more about my learning journey on CHATGPT. Sandra Vincent’s eportfolio

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Olawanle’s Social Clique: When keyboard Become Magnifying Glasses!

So I did a cyber sleuth on Olawanle Ajibawo Agbebi; it was like spreading jam on bread, easy-peasy.

If you are looking for dirt or news on Ola online, (I will be calling her  Ola for the rest of this post) you will find nothing but a clean house with freshly dry-cleaned clothes.

Her social media account is plain, like sheets, with no posts or shares, just her lovely picture, which is uniform across her Instagram and Facebook accounts and her followers. Continue reading

From Zero to Hero : Scratch Coding for beginners

My first coding was a fun and accessible way to get started and I can say it was quite interesting. I looked through An Hour of Code, and Scratch and I finally chose to go with Scratch. Scratch was a fantastic option. This visual programming language, created by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, allowed me to create interactive stories, games, and animations easily. Here’s a step-by-step guide for creating My first Scratch project.

Getting Started with Scratch

First, head to the Scratch website and create an account. Once I logged in, clicked on “Create” to start a new project. The Scratch editor has three main sections: the stage area, where my sprites will appear and perform actions, the block palette, where I’ll find all the coding blocks categorized by type of action, and the scripting area, where I’ll drag blocks from the palette to build your scripts. Continue reading

Digital literacy

The Internet is one of the primary information sources of the modern era, making it a necessity for learners to understand how to participate and navigate the networked world.”~NCTE

The reality of a digital age is undeniable, children from their early formative years are now exposed to the internet, they are found on the Web either watching ‘Coco Melon’ on YouTube or surfing an assignment on the net.

My cousin’s three -year old son, is more fully aware of the Internet than I was at 18. This has placed quite a task on parents and teachers to ensure that these little ones don’t get hurt on the Internet or be misled by biased information intended to cause misconceptions about subject matters. With the advent of unlimited access to digital tools and advanced technology,  dealing with fake news has become trickier and more difficult to tackle, Deep fakes have also rendered tools like RADCAP, CRAAP, and CARS incapable of meandering through the Web and fishing out fake news. Continue reading

A changed World

In today’s rapidly changing world, the advent of technology and the rise of digital platforms have brought about a new culture of participation. This culture is characterized by increased connectivity, collaboration, and the expectation of engagement from individuals. In Michael Wesch’s video, “An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube,” he explores this phenomenon and highlights the ways in which participation has become central to our daily lives.

When thinking about the future classroom, it is crucial to acknowledge the impact of this new culture of participation. Traditional education models that emphasize one-way transmission of knowledge from the instructor to the students may no longer be effective in engaging and empowering students in meaningful ways. Instead, educators should aim to create a participatory learning environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and active engagement. Continue reading

Cyber Safety and Digital Citizenship


Just like every invention or innovation that comes with its pros and cons. The Internet as wonderful as it is, has its loopholes. People have found love, made friends, secured business connections, become part of a community, and had their voice aired and heard in the internet space and I can say the internet has in its way compressed time and distance; we now have access to billions of data and people from near and wide just at our fingertips. But this bundle of joy comes with a looming darkness of cyberbullying, theft, and threats.

Victims of cyberbullying are shattered, their self-esteem dismembered and their carcass thrown to the ‘vultures’ of the internet, people who care less how their words, and actions can affect the other person. A lot of cyber victims give into depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychotic problems, and ultimately suicide. Continue reading

Digital Tool For SAMR

In a quest to improve learning, concentration and participation, I found a digital book that was quite intriguing, it is called The Storyline Online.

The storyline online is a program of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, their stories feature celebrated actors, who read aloud alongside beautiful illustrations while maintaining the right tone and facial expressions. With this tool, the students can see the reader, learn vocabulary and enjoy the visual pleasure of illustration while they learn. The channel is available 24 hours for children, isn’t that great? All you have to do is subscribe,  you could also buy the book if you want. So I penned down some of the cool features of this tool. Continue reading


Future woman with cyber technology eye panel concept New technology is not good or evil in and of itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it. ~ David Wong.

As someone who is embracing the culture of technology in my everyday life, I couldn’t agree less with this statement. Technology in itself is fluid and can only be labelled as evil’ when used wrongly and good’ when used rightly.

Some days I find technology extremely helpful to have a productive day, from scheduling to daily routine tracking and ample information at my fingertips; it makes me sometimes wonder how slow and dark life would have been without it. Continue reading