Tech in Your 30’s

Alright, so what does using technology look like if you’re in your 30s and aren’t cool?

Let me give you the low down–note my cool use of slang there.

I have an iPhone, so I like to use the sleep focus on my phone. This sets a time when my phone doesn’t allow any notifications through (except for those I allow). I have mine set to sleep between 9 pm and 6 am on weekdays and 11 pm and 8 am on weekends. This allows me to have a better sleep because I use my phone as my alarm clock and always have it within arm’s reach when I’m sleeping.

I also have an Apple Watch and make use of a few features such as:

  • the time and date
  • weather
  • stopwatch
  • fitness rings
  • notifications for texts, emails, and phone calls
  • navigation
  • heart rate monitoring
  • to find my phone
  • track my sleep
  • adding items to my grocery list (“Siri, add eggs to grocery list” and it connects to your phone–amazing).
  • take photos with my phone when its set up from a distance
  • and so many more things! Check out this website for some more tips and tricks about Apple Watches.

Just in case you’re one of those crazy Android users… here is why you should switch:


On my way to and from work, I always listen to audiobooks–this is my favourite part about having a 50-minute drive. For the last two years, I’ve used the Libby app, which is set up using my public library card. So far, I’ve listened to 71 books and have 21 currently on hold. I’d highly recommend you use this instead of something like Audible, as I just can’t see how paying for a book that you can get from the library makes sense.

Once I get to work, there are quite a few different programs I use; here are just a few:

  • Google Classroom
    • I have all my classes set up here. All assignments, instructions, and videos are posted daily for students. It keeps everything organized and accessible to my students wherever they are.
  • Google Drive
    • This is such a convenient place to store all my files, and is easy to collaborate with others.
  • Email
    • I use Outlook, formally known as Hotmail (which is apparently dead, but for some reason its still what I set up my new email using my married name under. Sigh.)
    • Mostly I use this program just for emails, but I do use the calendar function to keep track of work meetings–especially those that are on TEAMS
  • Planbook
    • This is a really useful online daybook for teaching. You can organize and colour code your classes, block out non-school days, add SLO’s to each day, attach assignments, and even use it as a gradebook. It even integrates with Google Classroom.
  • BMO spend dynamic
    • This is an online banking app that allows me to do all the coding for my school credit card. It’s not a fun job, but this program works pretty seamlessly.
  • My School Sask
    • I do not like this program one little bit. I have worked in several school divisions and have used many different platforms. This one is by far the worst I’ve ever used.
    • I use this program to set up all classes and enroll students
    • to record CFR levels for EAL students, although this will soon be moved over to CLVR.
    • to track attendance
    • as a gradebook and for report cards
  • Atrieve
    • I use this program to track my school budget and to code any expenses that I don’t put through on my credit card
    • To approve any leave requests, or enter my own absences

In my personal time I use some of the following apps:

  • Facebook
    • I know this is for old people, but I just can’t move on.
  • Instagram
    • I know you can do neat things like make reels; however, I just scroll
  • Snapchat
    • What better app is there to send pictures of your double chin to your friends?
  • Pinterest
    • This app helps me keep track of some of my more creative endeavors. It is a collective of posts that I can sort into ‘boards’ of my interests. I have boards for my house, nails, hair, classroom activities, travel, quotes, etc.
  • Youtube
    • This app gets used all the time to watch videos and listen to music. My husband uses it all the time learning how to rebuild motors more efficiently so he has me on his family plan with a premium subscription.
  • RBC online banking
    • I like to keep track of my spending and investments so this makes it easy
    • I use my Visa all the time and rack up as many points as I can for travel
    • The financial planning tool is kind of cool. You can put your information in and set goals for saving and retirement.
  • Online shopping apps: amazon, costco, sephora, etc.
  • Reolink
    • This is the company we use for our security cameras at home
  • Ecobee
    • This is a smart thermostat. Now my husband and I can both sneakily adjust the temperature–game on!
  • Google Nest Hub
    • I currently am using mine to play study music while I write this. It chose a playlist of classical music off YouTube.

I’m sure that there are a lot more sources of technology that I use daily and have just forgotten to post about them. While technology is amazing, it sure is hard to keep up. Until just recently (about a year ago now), we didn’t even have the internet at our house because we live in the country. Starlink came to our rescue with its expensive, but reliable internet. There are many apps that I use that save me time, money, and help me to connect to those more important to me; however, technology can also just as quickly eat up all my time and turn me into an unproductive sloth.

6 thoughts on “Tech in Your 30’s

  1. I am an old-school person, but I do not like that.
    I found Google Classroom through your blog. I’ve been attempting to learn how to make a class. I sincerely appreciate your sharing, Sarah!

  2. I can definitely relate to not having wi-fi in the country lol. My parents had tried a few times to get internet, but it would only work part of the time due as we live in a tricky location. Luckily we did find an internet provider that was able to reach our house right before the pandemic and school moved to online. It’s still working today, but it’s definitely not the fastest.

    • It is so crazy to me that there are still areas that don’t have access to reliable internet. I don’t even live in a remote part of the province (20 minutes south of Moose Jaw) and still had to resort to Starlink. Before living here, I was in another small town along the US border and had no internet there either. From 2017-2021, I relied on hot spotting internet from my phone–super inconvenient for anyone, but especially a teacher when so many tasks need to be completed online.

  3. Hey Sarah!
    You mention the use of Teams for work. What are your feelings on that app? I also use it for my work, and I despise it. I find that it never works properly, and it drives me crazy.

    Also, from your quick overview of your tech usage, I have to admit you seem to use technology quite productively. At least a lot more productively than I often do. I applaud you!

    • Hi Alannah,
      I don’t personally love TEAMS either. When the pandemic hit, I taught all my classes online using TEAMS, and I didn’t find it to be that user-friendly–at the time it wasn’t really intended to be used for that purpose, so they were quickly trying to adapt things for the growing needs of teachers. I haven’t really used the program much since because I changed school divisions, and they largely use Google Classroom and TEAMS solely for online meetings.

  4. Hey Sarah,
    I want to say that you are cooler than me. Here is the thing: I never knew about so many of the programs that you talked about in your blog—especially all the things you can do with Apple Watches. I have one of my own, and I use it to track my steps and see how lazy I am during the day. I wanted to get into audiobooks and didn’t know about the Libby app so I will check this out. I also did not know about the sleep focus on iPhone. I am not going to lie; I just use do not disturb, but somehow, someone always disturbs me. I will be taking a closer look into this as well! Thank you for all the information!

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