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Month: February 2023

ECS 203: February 17, 2023

ECS 203: February 17, 2023

Hip hop culture is based almost wholly on social justice, and freedom of speech. Using hip hop as a tool in the classroom can help students to express themselves in a creative media. Analysing hip hop in the classroom could help students to understand social issues like poverty, abuse, racism, prejudices, and even topics related to slavery or residential schools. It can help to open the eyes of students who may not have experienced social issues, it could help to…

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ECS 203: February 10, 2023

ECS 203: February 10, 2023

My understanding of citizenship is that it is what defines your nationality, but I believe that it does much more than that. Committing to become a citizen of a nation carries weight, there are certain responsibilities which are required by citizens. In certain countries if you are a citizen then you must serve in the military to protect that nation. There are other positive reasons to become a citizen of a country because it allows the government to control who…

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ECS 203: February 3, 2023

ECS 203: February 3, 2023

“Politics is about power. Since not all can have what they want, the question is who does get what they want and who does not.” (Levin 2007) School curriculum is developed and implemented based on who is in power and what they value. Politics is all about power, control, and how can they create a place where they will continue to be re-elected and maintain power. It is sad that someone’s education may suffer just because of who someone else…

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