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Day: May 28, 2024

Our Changed World

Our Changed World

In the video Wesch talks about how as an anthropologist he is always looking at how things can be reconsidered, things meaning concepts like authority, love, privacy and identity to name a few. The new culture of the inclusion of the digital world has had notable impacts like the creation of new laws and bills to protect the things mentioned above. In particular when I think about the classroom that I may have one day I am brought back to…

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Getting the Hang of Excel

Getting the Hang of Excel

So this week I thought I would watch a series of tiktok videos from a creator named Mike Tholfsen. He has hundreds of videos (give or take) that discuss helpful tricks or cool aspects of Excel. His videos are able to show how exactly you can follow the steps to acquire the desired results. I am not someone who does well with vague instructions so his videos were the best ones that I found. I was also asked by my…

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