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Day: June 12, 2024

Excel Artwork??

Excel Artwork??

I want to preface this my saying that no ounce of my being considers myself an artist, but excel art is actually super fun (and pretty simple if you know a few tricks)!! Bringing myself back to the article that started this whole project I wanted to learn how to make artwork on excel I found some tutorials on YouTube for excel art, but I had some issues because I am using a macbook and I don’t have access to…

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Cyber shaming: Is it warranted??

Cyber shaming: Is it warranted??

Cyber shaming is  a complex topic, because I do think that at times it is necessary to create change, but I also think that it is often taken too far. The extent that people will go to attack someone else online is far, and with the anonymity of the internet they do not face consequences. Now, I realize that every single person makes mistakes, however people must realize that what they put on the internet IS FOREVER, it will be…

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