Our Changed World
In the video Wesch talks about how as an anthropologist he is always looking at how things can be reconsidered, things meaning concepts like authority, love, privacy and identity to name a few. The new culture of the inclusion of the digital world has had notable impacts like the creation of new laws and bills to protect the things mentioned above. In particular when I think about the classroom that I may have one day I am brought back to identity. Students are able to see what many of their peers do on a daily basis, and are able to more easily feel like they are not enough or that they need to change to be accepted. Technology can be unifying and divisive on one hand students are able to connect so easily to one another, but at the same time technology is not equally distributed. Students without access to technology may feel left-out and excluded from daily life with their peers.
I wanted to go back to identity and the classroom. With online report cards and access to school work at all hours of the day I have been curious, as of late, whether or not students have a difficult time separating themselves from school. I find myself as a university student often fatigued and consumed by my grades, or completing assignments at the last minute simply because I can. I think that teachers should be constantly inquiring about the role that technology is playing in their classroom, but also outside of the classroom. I think that it is important to consider the following: Is the technology being used engaging? Is it effective? Is it inclusive? But most of all is it hindering or helping the students in your classroom?