My Digital Habits

My Digital Habits

I find that I check my email one million times a day, I have several accounts for work and school which means I get a lot of emails, most of which don’t really matter. I also use urcourses a lot as well, for obvious reasons. For school and work I use BonPatron, which is a French grammar website, similar to Grammarly, it focuses on conjugation and registers in writing.

I use my calendar app on my phone and laptop to keep track of my shifts at work and assignment due dates, however for small assignments or daily tasks I use the stickies on my mac to keep track of those. I sometimes make up a due date that is well before the actual due date to make sure I actually get it done. I have a hard time remembering to add social events to my calendars, I wish that there were more categories in apple calendars to distinguish between types of events.

Although it is probably not the best habit, I tend to combine my fun screen time with my schoolwork. It does take me longer to complete academic tasks sometimes, but it actually makes me motivated to complete my work in one sitting. I housesit a lot so I find myself without a television often which makes it easy to not watch television while I do my work. I do have notifications turned off for all apps except for outlook and my calendar, which has helped me a lot when it comes to total time spent on an app.

Overall I don’t have the best habits with technology. I find myself staying off of my phone and not watching television during the school year when I have lots of work to get done, but the moment I have some free time I have a million options online. The integration of technology into the lives of all of us can be a good thing if used in moderation. I sometimes wish that I didn’t need to use technology every single day, I imagine it would be very freeing.

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