How have I contributed?
I was most able to contribute to the learning of others through blog comments. I did not interact much through discord, I did find that people were super quick to answer the questions of others which is great! Each week when we would have breakout rooms, I was always answering questions that people had, especially at the beginning about the creation of the blogs. There were three instances where I felt like my blog comments went above and beyond the expectations:
May 21, 2024 – Brodie’s Blog post titled “Spring into Gardening: Preparing the Soil & Choosing Seeds” I commented an idea to join a facebook group to find a community where gardening is talked about exclusively.
Hey Brodie! I love the idea of learning how to garden, soil is certainly one of the biggest components of a successful yield. I wondered if you had considered joining a group on facebook where people share gardening tips? Might be a neat way to find some tips for growing plants in Saskatchewan’s hot summers!
May 28, 2024 – Mason Coghill’s Blog post titled “Week 3: Injury Prevention” I commented some strength and mobility coaches and their youtube channel links.
Hey Mason! I am a huge fan of using exercises as a way to prevent or manage an existing injury so I love the route you’re taking this week. I wanted to share with you my favourite account for functional exercises and how they can relate to everyday movements Jason and Lauren have so many excellent exercises for a wide range of daily activities. It looks like you are having lots of great ideas for how to improve your vertical.
June 3, 2024 – Stella Mulatz’s Blog Post titled “Double Trouble With Braids” I commented some tricks I use when braiding my own hair.
Hey Stella, I have loved seeing what you are accomplishing for this project. Briding is so hard to do on yourself, but you are making really great progress. When I braid my hair and need to part it I use a knitting needle or a sharp pencil to split it evenly. I also put have of my hair up in a clip, that way I don’t accidentally pull from the wrong side when braiding!
Thanks Sarah! I tried using a pencil in my next trial and it worked great! So thank you for that tip! These will definitely come in handy as I continue on.
I had some people contribute to my learning as well through comments, and for that I am grateful. I have been sharing the contents of this course with my friends in education and the resources discussed throughout this course have proven to be super helpful in preparation for my internship!