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Author: Sarah Sweet

ECS 203: March 31, 2023

ECS 203: March 31, 2023

Part 1) When I think about how I was taught math at first I was not considering the many rigid rules, or the ways instances where there was only one accepted way to calculate things. I was focused on how well it worked for me, all of it made sense, I was only learning one way that happened to resonate with me. I had not considered that there were others in my classes who likely struggled with showing their work,…

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ECS 203: March 24, 2023

ECS 203: March 24, 2023

Multilingual was a term that I had never heard for students who are learning an additional language, as someone who took schooling in french when that was not spoken at home it was difficult for me to remember all of the language rules. I was with all my peers who were in similar if not the same situations, so we would all communicate between ourselves in English, and so I have never experienced learning a new language where no one…

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ECS 203: March 17, 2023

ECS 203: March 17, 2023

As people who are a part of the system which is at its core intrinsically oppressive towards queer and trans people we must intentionally make our classes more inclusive spaces. Including language which is able to incorporate all peoples represented in our classrooms and outside of the classroom as well. Allowing students to feel comfortable asking questions about sexuality and gender identities in a safe space is an important part of breaking down barriers for trans and queer students and…

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ECS 203: March 10, 2023

ECS 203: March 10, 2023

The purpose of teaching Treaty Education in the classroom is to conquer the stereotypes and attitudes towards the subjects discussed in the email. Where there are few Indigenous peoples in a classroom or community it is especially important to include Treaty education in the classroom because there is often a barrier which blocks knowledge from unfamiliar areas. If teachers do not teach all perspectives of Indigenous peoples in Canada then there is more room for students to make assumptions based…

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ECS 203: March 3, 2023

ECS 203: March 3, 2023

Culturally relevant pedagogy is something which will be different for each grade and subject. I will hopefully be teaching chemistry or physics and so I would likely include more Indigenous ways of knowing into the course content. Many science teachers reject Indigenous ways of knowing, yet I have found that it is culturally relevant and should be a mandatory portion of the course content. I want all students to enter into my classroom and feel like they can learn about…

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ECS 203: February 17, 2023

ECS 203: February 17, 2023

Hip hop culture is based almost wholly on social justice, and freedom of speech. Using hip hop as a tool in the classroom can help students to express themselves in a creative media. Analysing hip hop in the classroom could help students to understand social issues like poverty, abuse, racism, prejudices, and even topics related to slavery or residential schools. It can help to open the eyes of students who may not have experienced social issues, it could help to…

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ECS 203: February 10, 2023

ECS 203: February 10, 2023

My understanding of citizenship is that it is what defines your nationality, but I believe that it does much more than that. Committing to become a citizen of a nation carries weight, there are certain responsibilities which are required by citizens. In certain countries if you are a citizen then you must serve in the military to protect that nation. There are other positive reasons to become a citizen of a country because it allows the government to control who…

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ECS 203: February 3, 2023

ECS 203: February 3, 2023

“Politics is about power. Since not all can have what they want, the question is who does get what they want and who does not.” (Levin 2007) School curriculum is developed and implemented based on who is in power and what they value. Politics is all about power, control, and how can they create a place where they will continue to be re-elected and maintain power. It is sad that someone’s education may suffer just because of who someone else…

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ECS 203: January 27, 2023

ECS 203: January 27, 2023

The commonsense that I was exposed to during my years in school did change over time. When I started pre-school, I was always told that teachers are in charge we weren’t allowed to speak unless we were spoken to, I began to notice a difference between the old-school teacher’s attitudes and the new, young teachers who were coming in. The older teachers had us sit in rows, we had lots of homework and we weren’t allowed to talk to our…

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ECS 203: January 20, 2023

ECS 203: January 20, 2023

In the criteria for Assignment 1 there were many great examples of scholars who could be looked at or we have the option to find a topic. I work closely with people of all ages experiencing disability, so I was inclined to look into that area more. I wanted to be challenged and learn about things which are new to me, I thought that the topic of urban education would be something worth looking into. I had never heard the…

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