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Category: EDTC 300

How have I contributed?

How have I contributed?

I was most able to contribute to the learning of others through blog comments. I did not interact much through discord, I did find that people were super quick to answer the questions of others which is great! Each week when we would have breakout rooms, I was always answering questions that people had, especially at the beginning about the creation of the blogs. There were three instances where I felt like my blog comments went above and beyond the…

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Magic School AI

Magic School AI

I have heard about Magic School AI, but I have never tried it. I set up an account and got started! The first thing I noticed was that there was a toggle at the top that could switch to be MagicSchool and MagicStudent. The resources for students were plentiful and could be used to engage in many topics. The ones that seemed coolest to me was the book recommendation tool, math review and social stories. The Book Suggestions gives ideas…

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Final Grade Calculator

Final Grade Calculator

I chose to learn about GoalSeek on Excel this week on a blog titled: How to use Goal Seek in Excel for What-If analysis , the author provided images and descriptions of how to determine a passing grade for an exam. The problem is as follows: At the end of the course, a student takes 3 exams. The passing score is 70%. All the exams have the same weight, so the overall score is calculated by averaging the 3 scores….

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Excel Artwork??

Excel Artwork??

I want to preface this my saying that no ounce of my being considers myself an artist, but excel art is actually super fun (and pretty simple if you know a few tricks)!! Bringing myself back to the article that started this whole project I wanted to learn how to make artwork on excel I found some tutorials on YouTube for excel art, but I had some issues because I am using a macbook and I don’t have access to…

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Cyber shaming: Is it warranted??

Cyber shaming: Is it warranted??

Cyber shaming is  a complex topic, because I do think that at times it is necessary to create change, but I also think that it is often taken too far. The extent that people will go to attack someone else online is far, and with the anonymity of the internet they do not face consequences. Now, I realize that every single person makes mistakes, however people must realize that what they put on the internet IS FOREVER, it will be…

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Alison – An online learning platform!

Alison – An online learning platform!

For my learning post this week I used Alison which incorporated video tools, and descriptions for learning excel. They have a lot of free online courses, but I chose Data Entry Tools and Techniques module. There are quizzes built into the presentations which made feedback instant and easy to understand. It was super basic to start and slowly progressed to a point where I felt adequately challenged. They have lots of other free classes online that might be cool to…

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Is coding fun? No. Is it important?? Yes!

Is coding fun? No. Is it important?? Yes!

I used Hour of Code to create a google logo. I made the letters frogs and had fun playing around with it, but I have never enjoyed coding. My computer science classes in university were some of my least favourite and although I recognize that these are important things to be teaching kids I can’t frankly get the appeal. I do think that coding is an important skill to have some awareness for at the very least. I taught with…

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Teaching Digital Literacy

Teaching Digital Literacy

My grade range/ subject is high school sciences so one website that lots of teachers use is DHMO which talks about the dangers of Dihydrogen monoxide (water) seriously check it out. It’s a great example for why we should always seek further answers and make inferences about why information is being presented. It is super outdated like the octopus one we viewed in class but could be a great resource once its revamped. I know that many teachers use it…

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Let’s Get Digital!

Let’s Get Digital!

I hope that students in my classroom will be using technology for good. What I mean by that is teaching students how to access tools that will enhance their learning instead of doing it for them. I use technology often in my learning in University and so why should students in a high school setting not be offered the same courtesy? I remember my grandpa used to always say that using a calculator was cheating in math, when really we…

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Excel Obstacle Course??

Excel Obstacle Course??

This week I found an excel obstacle course. Which is actually a super fin way to learn shortcuts on excel. If you want to check this out it can be downloaded from the ExcelObstacleCourse YouTube channel!! I began by navigating through the various pages. I started by deleting columns and rows with only the keyboard as a tool. I learned that shift and space bar together will highlight an entire row, then to delete it I simply had to use…

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