Blog Post Week 1: The Problem of Common Sense

Question: How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense’? What commonsense understandings of curriculum and pedagogy do you bring with you into this course?

What is Commonsense to Kumashiro?

The definition that Kumashiro gives to the reader about commonsense as “what everyone should know” (XXIX, Kumashiro). Kumashiro also describes common sense as a distinguishable practice that presents a normalized knowledge within a community. While describing the structure of daily life and school systems in Nepal, Kumashiro continually returns to the idea of commonsense. Kumashiro seems to combine his prior knowledge and experiences to further analyze the teaching practices that were done and taught in Nepal.

Why is it so Important to Pay Attention to The ‘Commonsense’?

Common sense plays an important role in Kumashiro’s lifestyle. I believe it is important to listen and acknowledge how commonsense is a normalized knowledge within a community or surrounding villages. I believe it may be dependent on the length of the information being told has been used. Whether it is outdated or newly brought into the community. Commonsense has been normalized in a community daily life, school systems, as well as many other groups, like; racism, colonialism, or even sexism, just to name a few.

The ideals of commonsense are frequently changing communities and whether or not the ideals of the communities help to resolve problems from both the present as well as the past. Not many people understand or know how commonsense could or would help a community, and that is okay, and the fact that a community or individuals perspective is challenged daily allows for growth and further understandings of commonsense and the possibilities it portrays. Change is unanticipated, and whether something is supposed to be commonsense does not always mean it is ideal, or a correct understanding.

How I Bring Curriculum and Pedagogy Into This Course?

I have prior knowledge of teaching and new teaching methods. I believe that understanding new methods or enhancing your current methods allows you as an individual or teacher the opportunity to engage in a person’s life, and help them understand whatever it is you are trying to teach. How you teach is dependent on how you were taught, and I believe that any kind of student develops those habits and enhances how they can teach themselves or help teach others.

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One Response to Blog Post Week 1: The Problem of Common Sense

  1. Veronica Nakonieczny says:

    Hello, Savannah I enjoyed your reflection this week. I agree with your point on commonsense and why it is so important. I think that it is so crucial to understanding how commonsense could be different for every community. Your point on how it can be challenged daily is so interesting as the growth and possibility it portrays can be so drastic and different all the time!

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