Blog Post Week 2: Curriculum Theory and Practice

Question: Curriculum development from a traditionalist perspective is widely used across schools in Canada and other countries. Think about: (a) The ways in which you may have experienced the Tyler rationale in your own schooling; (b) What are the major limitations of the Tyler rationale/what does it make impossible; and (c) What are some potential benefits/what is made possible. Be sure to refer to the assigned article in your post; you may also include information from the lecture if you wish.

(a) The Ways in Which You May Have Experienced the Tyler Rationale in Your Own Schooling

Based on the Tyler Rationale school curriculums are based on one main thing; the children/students. The majority of the students’ classrooms have been being set up the same way for too many years. Many classrooms still have the teacher’s desk in the front or the teacher will be in front of the class, while the students desks are still organized in rows or collums. I believe the desks are placed in a specific way to enhance the students attention onto the teacher, as he/she is above them, as well as, in front of them. The Tylers Rationale unfortunately has many influences within not only a classroom or school “operation”, but also how the students obtain information. Much of today’s society still focuses on a syllabus within a school setting. Teachers rely on students to obtain the information being taught to them through repetition and lots of memory work. This relates back to the Tylers Rationale as students were forced to learn through harsh memorization and repetition in order to learn their tasks.

(b) What Are the Major Limitations of the Tyler Rationale/ What is Made Possible?

The Tyler Rationale limited the creativity aspect for students in school. The students did not have the ability to exceed their capabilities within a classroom environment or enhance their learning methods; whether that be visual or hands-on learning. The idea of learning that the Tyler Rationale explains does not work, nor would work for many or majority of the students within today’s society. This brings to light the idea that teachers are letting down their students by not educating properly, which is incorrect. It is not the teachers who are necessarily failing the students, as it is the Tyler Rationale’s way of teaching that would be ‘failing’ the students within a classroom or school setting.

(c) What are Some Potential Benefits/ What is Made Possible?

I believe that the Tyler Rationale has very little to no benefits, yet if I had to locate some possible or potential benefits it could be the general ideas behind his ideas, as I hope they would have had the thought process of what may be best for the students within a classroom or classroom-like environment. The Tyler Rationale brought up ideas like making things slower for students to understand and comprehend quicker, as well as, the idea of breaking certain subjects or topics down into smaller sub-sections or sub-categories in order for students to have a clearer mindset on what they are being taught. Although, Tyler Rationale limited students in both mintal capabilities, and potential career paths as they proceeded through life. Therefore, students, mental growth was stunted because of the teaching methods brought up through Tyler’s Rationale. By allowing students the freedom to learn at their own pace and be inspired by their own imagination gives the students the opportunities to grow both physically and mentally throughout the rest of their lives, eventually leading into their future career paths, just life in general. I strongly believe that what students learn to like/dislike, be inspired by or not will highly benefit the students within this societies school systems.

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