Blog Post Week 12: Single Story Narratives

Question: How has your upbringing/schooling shaped how you “read the world?” What biases and lenses do you bring to the classroom? How might we unlearn / work against these biases? Which “single stories” (see Chimamanda Adichie’s talk, viewed in lecture) were present in your own schooling? Whose truth mattered?

How has your upbringing/schooling shaped how you “read the world?” What biases and lenses do you bring to the classroom? How might we unlearn / work against these biases?

Growing up my view of the world became very narrow. It became Eurocentric, white and very conservative. My view changed S little as I got into highschool. Which allowed me to understand a little about how we began in Canada. As well as how we are still developing into a great country.

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