Rubik’s Cubes: How to Solve and What it is

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For the next 13 weeks, I was thinking about learning how to solve Rubik’s cubes. I think I was inspired primarily by my job, as in my job there are people who can easily solve 2×2 Rubik cubes, 3×3 Rubik cubes, and even 5×5 cubes. It has always intrigued me how quickly they learned how to solve the cubes. During the school year, I tried my hand at learning how to solve a 2×2 Rubik’s cube, which I failed horrendously. Which is why I am hoping to learn how to do it myself. I believe my failures were through the fact that I was being taught by students who were right-handed, and with myself being left-handed, I had difficulties as everything for me became backward. I would be able to solve the cube with their help of course. Everyone can solve a Rubik’s cube if someone tells you how to do it. However, when I attempted on my own for a few days I could never remember all the moves or tricks to solve the cube. It was especially irritating to me when the students could do it in 10 seconds and I couldn’t in 2 hours. It drove me crazy, which I think is why for this learning project I have chosen the task of Rubik’s cubes.


As I begin this project I will have the basic knowledge of solving white first. Or at least that is what the students would always tell me to do first. And then solve for yellow which would be on the opposite side of the white, however, I have to do so without messing up the white side. Which to me seems impossible to me or I guess “for me” would be better said.


To begin my project I decided to start by researching the best methods and the best Rubik’s cube to begin with, as my students tell me it is the 3×3, however, in my mind the 2×2 is easier. In my head, I continually think that if I have fewer squares I have fewer things to cover. However, I learnt that to begin you don’t even need the Rubik’s cube. The first step is to learn how to read and understand the algorithms used in all videos and websites that demonstrate how to solve a Rubik’s cube.

A Diagram of a 3×3 Rubik’s cubes algorithms.

Just learning how to begin solving a Rubik Cube.

First step to learning how to solve a Rubik’s cube.,then%20remembering%20the%20correct%20way.&text=How%20did%20you%20learn%20how%20to%20solve%20the%20Rubiks%20cube%3F,-I%20was%2011

So, join me through my journey of figuring out how to read algorithms for all sizes of Rubik’s cubes and eventually solve one or all without the use of the internet or my students.

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One Response to Rubik’s Cubes: How to Solve and What it is

  1. Miranda says:

    My son is also left handed and he has an interest in solving rubics cubes. Thanks for the read and I am going to show my son the image you shared and see if that helps him 😊

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