Monthly Archives: October 2023

I Did It!

Hello everyone, Well, I did it! I had officially solved white correctly! It was one of those moments where you feel so good about yourself that you do not want to mess it up so you don’t touch it until … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 4 Comments

Some New Adventure!

Hello everyone, Welcome back to my learning journey. I found a new video editor or movie-making tool I have been learning about this week. It is called Wondershare Filmora. It is an app that can be downloaded onto your laptop. … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 1 Comment

Solving White!

Hello everyone! This week I learnt how to solve white on the 2×2 Rubik’s cube. I was very proud of myself! I used an algorithm website specifically made to help beginners solve Rubik’s cubes to help learn the algorithms to … Continue reading

Posted in EDTC 300, Learning Project | 5 Comments