I Did It!

Hello everyone,

Well, I did it! I had officially solved white correctly! It was one of those moments where you feel so good about yourself that you do not want to mess it up so you don’t touch it until you’re ready to move on.

I can complete it independently, without any videos or help. However, this week I learnt this step from one of my kids at work. This student knows how to solve all Rubik’s cubes from a 2×2 to a 5×5. He has been one to help me out with solving this cube, along with the algorithm websites. I have yet to use YouTube, but with the help of YouTube, I could have solved this thing in no time. Which defeats the purpose of actually learning how to solve it. Or at least it does in my mind.

Keep up with me on how I continue to move on through this battle with the Rubik’s cube. I am hoping I will soon be able to solve the 2×2 and move on to a 3×3 cube. I know it is not a long post this week, however, sometimes success does not need a long post, and sometimes it is just a “Yay, I did it” kind of situation. Like this one, but that is okay, and hopefully, I will be able to give more next week.

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4 Responses to I Did It!

  1. My students have been really into Rubik’s Cubes this year! I had no idea that 2×2 or 3×3 cubes even existed before this year. I love that you are involving others in your learning, and I am totally rooting for you! Do you think you might reference YouTube in the future and then learn to complete a cube independently later?

  2. Justine David says:

    Hear me out, you don’t even have to touch the Rubik’s cube if you don’t want to mess it up. I bet you there is an online site that allows you to play with a cube without actually needing a cube. I found this one, but I invite you to look for yourself.


  3. Jerico says:

    No way!!! I am so proud of you Savannah! I explicitly remember you in our breakout rooms fiddling with your cube and expressing your frustration, but now you’ve completely dominated the 2×2!! Keep up the great work 🙂

  4. Alyssa Hildebrandt says:

    Good Job Savannah!!
    I love seeing how much progress you have made throughout this semester!! I am so proud of you! Isn’t it funny how kids can be the teachers and pick up on certain things faster than us? I do not think I would have the patience for this. Again… Good Job!

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