Keeping an open mindset, and listening to the student’s opinions, as they may help with creating new learning methods in an around the classroom

Giving individual and group work

Creating memories with the students and staff of the school

Involving hands-on learning in the class

Taking into consideration a student’s learning ability and improving your teaching skills

Creating a safe and caring environment for the students to learn in

Constant learning

Creating a fun, and practical learning environment

Showing equality throughout the classroom and not choosing favourites

Learning and adapting to a student’s needs for growth in the classroom

Introducing the students to new opportunities

Learning off your student’s expectations

Giving the opportunity to introduce unique learning methods

Respecting the students, as well as other teachers

Teaching with new methods, and adding to those methods, creating new ones.

This is a photo of the classroom I was placed in for my field experience for my ECS 100 class.