This week was just as amazing as the last. Yet, this week I learnt more from the students than I did the teacher. This week’s focus was on legends, which was a massive highlight for me as I got to learn what the students already knew about legends. They got to use their creativity and make up their own stories. My favourite one was how a zebra got his stripes. Or how a cat got its whiskers. These stories I hope I will never forget. The student’s creativity that day got me inspired to write with them and try to see how far they could expand their stories. I believe the most fun the students had that day was having the ability to go out into the hallway during math. I got asked for help many times which made me feel included. I also got to help set up the activity which made me feel helpful for the students and the teacher. The highlight that shown through for me though was at recess time that day. That was the first time a few of the students actually asked my partner and I to hang out with them on the snow hill. They also asked more questions about us. Some were difficult to answer but others were just for fun. That was possibly the most fun and interesting time I had with those kids the entire field experience.

This impacted my teaching identity because I learnt just how imaginative children can be which was inspirational for me. These student’s mindsets seemed much more mature than I originally believed they would have been. The students were the main focus for that day for me because I wanted to learn more about them and see if I would learn any methods of being able to help them better in the future as well as help other students that I may have in my own classroom one day. These students not only helped me expand my knowledge on teaching methods but they also helped make me understand their necessities to better their learning. Not in methods but in attitude and my own personal mindset.

I added this photo because it reminded me of one of my favourite stories that one of the students shared with me.