Blog Post Week 6: The Politics of Curriculum

Question: Although curriculum is a fundamental part of the framework of schooling, curriculum decisions and choices are shaped in large measure by other considerations—ideology, personal values, issues in the public domain, and interests. Curriculum decisions are often part of a much larger public debate that often extends beyond education to larger questions of public goods. Curriculum is complicated. At first glance, one might think that curriculum is just a set of documents to be taught to students. However, as you delve deeper and consider everything that is taught and learned in a classroom, curriculum becomes much more involved… Curriculum is ‘a complicated system of interpretation, interactions, transmissions – planned and unplanned’. Curriculum is complicated – particularly when examined within its relationship with teaching.

Although curriculum is a fundamental part of the framework of schooling, curriculum decisions and choices are shaped in large measure by other considerations—ideology, personal values, issues in the public domain, and interests. Curriculum decisions are often part of a much larger public debate that often extends beyond education to larger questions of public goods.

I agree that this statement is true and that curriculum is shaped by more than educational interests. Majority of the people around the world may have their mind set of what they believe education and curriculum are and how it is meant to look like. Although, once changes are mentioned many organizations, or careers push back on the change as it affects how their career or organization works. As well as affect the knowledge people arrive to the position with.

Curriculum is complicated. At first glance, one might think that curriculum is just a set of documents to be taught to students. However, as you delve deeper and consider everything that is taught and learned in a classroom, curriculum becomes much more involved… Curriculum is ‘a complicated system of interpretation, interactions, transmissions – planned and unplanned’. Curriculum is complicated – particularly when examined within its relationship with teaching.

I believe that curriculum is a generalized term that is used to compress many topics or ideas into one word. Curriculum should be and is something that thrives on goals. It is a complex system of topics and subjects for students to learn and know about before they enter into the world after school, which is a career. In order for there to be a curriculum that teachers are meant to follow, it is almost not worth the effort as every teacher is going to teach differently and use a variety of methods within their classroom. In my opinion, the relationship that a teacher has with a curriculum is difficult as teachers are instructed to follow the curriculum, yet the curriculum is plainly a broad document of topics and subjects that are mandatory for teachers to use in lessons.

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