Who Am I?

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  • My Furbaby

    She's so cute right!

  • My dog-cat

    My cat who was raised by dogs and now acts like a dog

  • My Hideaway

    My hideaway who doesn't like people

  • My other half

    Nickname "Milky"

“Who am I” you may ask? Well let me give you a little background into me; Savannah. I am a 5th-year education student. And yes, I stated 5th year. This is because I could not decide where in education I wished to end up. I began with Secondary education with a major in English and a minor in History. However, I then began my job with a Child Care company in Regina, SK which focused on kids in K-8. I fell in love with this age group and swapped my degree from Secondary to Primary Education. Which did result in me being behind quite a bit.

With my job in Child Care, I have worked my way up into a Supervisor position, meaning technology has kind of become my new lifestyle. With that said, it does not mean I am at all tech-savvy. I am in constant need of help at work from other colleagues to figure things out. My job does not rely upon or involve any technology with the students. As a company, we believe that tech doesn’t help shape their futures, however, personal experiences and situations do continually help grow and evolve the students into children who do not rely on technology in our programs. The main technology use I have in my daily life now includes and is basically limited to Microsoft Software, such as Excel, Word, Publisher, etc…

Even with my background in all my courses and work, I am not a frequent blogger, meaning I essentially have no clue how to use this blogging site. However, every move I make in this site helps grow my understanding of how this site works as well as how to create blog posts and blogging pages and how to categorize them into where I want them to be. I am gaining control of this website and blogging situation, and trying to make the best of the situation and new technologies that I am using. Blogging to me is somewhere I can relieve some stress as well as track a new adventure every day, month, or year, whenever I desire.

Below is an attachment to one of my favourite websites I use when doing my daily job, as well as in some school resource assignments.

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