I’m So Close!

This week I struggled. I can understand how to solve parts of the white. I learnt that I have to solve the middle layer before I solve the white entirely. For me to solve the middle layer I had to get a kid from my work to help me. For some reason, I could not comprehend how to use my other hand to help me solve the middle layer of the cube. But, I am beginning to understand how the cube works. I am not trying to use too many sources, as there seems to be so much research and different methods to use to help solve the 3×3. After many hours and many failed attempts at solving this middle layer. I have completed the middle layer. I forgot to photograph this week’s progress. But, I am proud to say I am on to the next steps. I hope not many more steps are left as this is beginning to get too hard to remember haha.


So stay with me as I continue to struggle but in the end, I will hope fully complete the cube.

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