I never got to finish my field placement, but some things that the teacher said to the students inspired me and helped me understand how to become the best teacher I can be. These sayings are:

  • “Thank you” is something that should be stated not only to demonstrate your thankfulness but also to show that you appreciated being with them, and enjoyed their company.
  • “Awesome work!” was something I found that motivated the students into wanting to give forth their best work. It also seemed to help the student trust in the teacher’s opinions.
  • “What can I do for YOU” was something the teacher would say, and the faces the students gave her after hearing that she wanted to know what they wanted or needed. I think that also helped the students trust her, and begin enjoying being in her classroom.
  • “How was your day/weekend?” was a question asked every morning by the teacher and it allowed the teacher to understand and know more about her students. She also shared with them about her weekend or evening which I believe encouraged the students to learn more about her too.
  • The class also did a health chart, which was basically the students telling the teacher something they did over the weekend or the rest of their day that improved their health. It could be simply eating something healthy, brushing their teeth, having a good sleep, or some form of exercise. I think this brought to light what the students enjoyed, and helps you (the teacher) understand their individual interests.
I chose this photo with multiple colours to demonstrate emotions. I also chose them having fun because the majority of the stories that were told about healthy living were happy.