Below is my summary of learning! What a ride this course has been. I wanted to give a shout-out to literally everyone because the debates were fantastic and we all crushed this super-fast course. If you are interested in the links to any of the sources that have helped me over this semester and that […]
Responding to Tech
Equitable Technology – Futuristic Colonialism?
Technology has the opportunity to reach far and wide and connect us in ways that we have never been connected before – but is technology always leading to equity? Or are we often confusing it with equality? When I think about technology and its potential to create a more equitable society, it’s clear that it […]
Cellphones for Sims… I mean students!
Ah.. cell phones. To me, my cellphone is like an upgraded Tamagotchi – only it’s me that I am tasked with keeping alive. I see that my life revolves around the little device in my hand and that I am both the Sim and the teenage girl who just wants to have the best-looking house. […]
AI vs AI – Artificial Intelligence vs Animalistic Intuition
“I swear, I wrote it myself!” When I think of AI I usually think of ChatGPT – it’s a favourite among my students. I teach senior English and in Ontario classes are streamed into academic levels. Since I work in a fairly small school, there are times when I have students who are placed out […]
Social Media – A Manufactured Childhood
Before the debate, I was a staunch believer that social media ruins childhood, and after the debate, I find myself in the same boat. There are many times as a parent and a teacher that I wonder if kids know how to be bored anymore. It also makes me feel a bit like a Boomer […]
Tech in the Classroom… Enhances (?) Learning
I remember when we first got SMARTboards in the classroom. It was grade 6 or 7, and it was the biggest deal ever (I still feel that way) for our class. I remember fighting to be the person to recalibrate or to write with the pens and it was a blessed day if you were […]
A Day in the “Life”?
It is not often that I go a day without using technology. Born into the Age of Information, I remember sitting at the family desktop (which was in the dining room of all places) and having to race to the kitchen during commercials. Now, I pay extra to ensure I don’t get commercial breaks and […]