Grade 4 – Arts Education

Subject/Grade: Arts Education 4

Lesson Title: Tissue Paper Poppies

Teacher: Miss Shayla Taylor

Stage 1: Identify Desired Results


CP4.8 Create artworks using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., organic shapes), forms (e.g., kinetic sculpture, mural), and media (e.g., wood, wire, and found objects)

(m) Expand skills and abilities in using various visual art tools and materials

Key Understandings:

  • I can use different materials to create visual art.
  • I can understand the importance of the poppy and Remembrance Day.
  • I can follow the instructions of the teacher. 

Essential Questions:

  • How can we use different materials in visual art?
  • What are different forms of visual art?
  • What is the importance of the poppy and Remembrance Day?

Prerequisite Learning:

  • Know how to follow instructions
  • Know how to cut and glue different materials
  • Understanding of what Remembrance Day represents and why it is important

Instructional Strategies

  • Group discussion
  • Scaffolding

Stage 2: Determine Evidence of Assessing Learning


  • ability to represent poppy by following the instructions
  • exit slip

Stage 3: Build Learning Plan


  • Tissue paper (red & black)
  • Pipe cleaner
  • Stick glue
  • Jar (for bouquet)
  • Scissors


  • Share PowerPoint with the students
  • Will bring an example of what we will be making. 
    • What type of flower is this? (Poppy)
    • What is significant about the poppy? (We wear it on Remembrance Day)
    • Why do we wear a poppy for Remembrance Day? (A soldier named John McCrae wrote a poem about him seeing a field of poppies in the middle of the war)
  • Have a student help hand out tissue paper and pipe cleaner


Go through step-by-step instructions with the students, showing them how to do it as we go.

Step One:

  • Draw 4 different sized circles. 
  • Cut out each circle.
  • Draw a smaller circle on the black tissue paper and cut it out
  • Clean up excess tissue paper (I will walk around with garbage can)

Step Two:

  • Crumple the red and black pieces separately – creates flower petals and texture
  • Lay them flat and stack red pieces on top of eachother from biggest to smallest
  • Place the black piece at the very top
  • Once they are placed where the students want them, poke a hole through the center with the pipe cleaner

Step Three:

  • Do not pull the pipe cleaner all the way through, but then bend the end for the center of the poppy
  • With the pipe cleaner, choose how long they want the stem and cut to that length


  • Exit Slip
  • Clean up supplies and desks
  • Collect poppies and put in a jar for a poppy bouquet

Possible Adaptations/Differentiation:

  • Have PowerPoint of steps on the board for students to follow
  • Go through the steps and create the poppy with the students

Management Strategies:

Circulate the classroom, supporting students as they need.

Safety Considerations:

  • Follow covid protocol
  • Be sure students are being careful when pushing the pipe cleaner through the tissue paper
  • Careful using scissors

Stage 4: Reflection

This lesson went very well with the grade 4 class. Only change I would make is to be sure to fully explain how big of circles I want the students to make for the poppy. Lots were too small and had to remake the circles. Students were all very engaged and based off the exit slip, they enjoyed this activity.