I went to École St Margaret school from pre-kindergarten until grade seven, afterwards, I switched to Sacred Heart Community School until leaving for high school — both schools are located in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I attended Central Collegiate Institute in Moose Jaw all throughout my high school years.

During my high school years, I made life long memories with friends who have a special place in my heart forever. Although I have memories from every class I took, my favourite class of all was outdoor education. We got to go on a bike trip at Buffalo Pound Lake as well as a canoe trip to Northern Saskatchewan for a few days. Throughout this, our class developed a very close relationship with one another during the duration of the course. Despite the moods and challenges that had taken place over the trip — we supported each other which led to a lot of laughs and happiness.

I graduated in June of 2020, right in the midst of COVID-19. I didn’t get to experience a graduation ceremony or the last couple of months of high school but I developed memories that will last me a life time in my time there. I have always known that I wanted to pursue a career in teaching, but I decided to take a year off of school to save up some money before attending university. In the fall of 2021, I finally began my career towards becoming an educator in middle years education (grades 6-9).