Blog 6

June 14, 2023 1 By Taia Schmidt

One of the first things porter explains in their article is that Inuit mathematics is taught in their own language for the first three years then they are taught in english or french. This causes conflict as the students understand mathematics in their native language but they may not understand the concepts in a different language. This ties into the idea of being literate. The students are mathematically literate in their language but not in a new language. A interesting input of Inuit mathematics they also include word problems based on their culture or country, what is known to them. For us in Saskatchewan many of our word problems are based on Saskatchewan land or Canadian ideas which would be difficult for student of different decent as they do not fully understand those ideas or concepts. 

What I believe it means to be literate is the comprehension on a specific idea or topic. This includes the ability to communicate and understand the information being taught. Traditional definition of literacy consists of ability to read and write basically the ability to function in life and comprehend. The SK curriculum states literacy is set of knowledge skills practice and behaviours that allow us to interact with others. Literacy and learning are key to employment higher wages better social and health outcomes and active participation in society. I believe this is wrong as life should not be based on how well you can comprehend something. For example if you were born with a disability this effects one success in life. In my schools many students with disabilities were given the same opportunities as I were which was encouraging to see. In my future classroom I will be sure to give the same opportunities to all children no matter their upbringing, disables or other uncontrollable factors.