Category: ECS 203

Blog 6

One of the first things porter explains in their article is that Inuit mathematics is taught in their own language for the first three years then they are taught in english or french. This causes conflict as the students understand mathematics in their native language but they may not understand the concepts in a different…

By Taia Schmidt June 14, 2023 1

Blog 5

Treaty Education in schools is still lacking importance as it a touchy subject for many, which causes conflict and trauma when taught. Personally in my schools growing up treaty education was very important as I grew up in a school system that contains many indigenous schools. A big step in working toward reconciliation is making…

By Taia Schmidt June 7, 2023 1

Blog 4

Provide a brief summary of your understanding of the three learning theories introduced in the readings (behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism). How can you connect these learning theories with the models of curriculum (product, process, and praxis in particular) that we have discussed? What learning theories did you see reflected in your own schooling experiences? “With…

By Taia Schmidt May 31, 2023 1

Blog 3

According to the Levin article, how are school curricula developed and implemented? What new information/perspectives does this reading provide about the development and implementation of school curriculum? Is there anything that surprises you or maybe that concerns you?  According to the Levin article, it is stated that many curricula are developed by governments or other…

By Taia Schmidt May 23, 2023 3

Blog 2

To be a good student when referring to the common sense we attain, we refer to the student as a student who participates, listens, follows the rules, pays attention and receives high grades. Meeting expectations assigned by the teacher also makes a good student. Students who receive the title of being a good student are…

By Taia Schmidt May 17, 2023 1

Blog 1

How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense’?  Kumashiro defines connonsesne as when a group of people or community have a clear understanding of one idea and any different way of thinking or doing does not make sense or is out of the picture. Many of the…

By Taia Schmidt May 10, 2023 1