Summary of Learning

Well, that is a wrap!!  Thank you Katia for everything!  This has been such an enjoyable 4 weeks despite doing this course while travelling and camping.  It has been such a pleasure to end my Master’s with this course!  I feel invigorated by all that I have learned and taken away from learning and creating a course prototype!

Thank you to everyone for your comments, discussion, questions, and insights!  For those of your continuing in the fall, I wish you all the best!  Those who are finishing…CONGRATULATIONS!  You did it!

So, here is my last Summary of Learning!  I hope you enjoy it!

All the best!


One thought on “Summary of Learning

  1. Congratulations on finishing your Master’s, Tammy! I have one class left to go after this! I’m happy I got to join you for a few moments in your learning journey in some classes together.

    I really enjoyed your summary of learning. The stop motion segments were a creative touch! All the best in your future!

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