The End, But Also a Beginning

I sit here and write this last blog post with mixed feelings.  Not only is this the end of this course, but it is also the last class of my Master’s.  Part of me is exhausted after what has seemed like a long haul, and the other part is invigorated as I reflect on my learning from this course and over these last 4 years.

I was excited about ending my journey with this course.  Blended and online learning and integrating technology in my teaching and students’ learning has always been my interest and passion.  I think that is what has made these 4 weeks so enjoyable and, if I can say it, manageable.  I was worried about it being such a short time, but I am thrilled by how much we have accomplished, discussed and shared.

The process of creating this model has been very helpful and fulfilling.  When I was thrown into using Teams during Covid, I really had no idea what I was doing.  While I have learned more over time, building my course in Teams has given me the opportunity to delve into the world of Teams and how I can move forward and maximize its potential with my students.  I was also able to develop my knowledge and skills using  some of the tools I have used in the past – Nearpod, Kialo-edu, etc.  I often don’t have the time throughout the year to work through the ins and outs of a tool.  I often do the basics to make it work for my class.  It was great to have the learning time.

Two major takeaways for me that supported the creation of my course prototype are the ADDIE model and Lumi.  Lumi is a gem!!!  And one that I will continue to explore for next year.  Just from creating the interactive video, I can see the impact Lumi can have on student engagement and learning.  Katia, thank you for introducing us to it!!  I also found the ADDIE template gave me the framework for reflection and planning that should go into the creation of online courses and materials.  I will admit, that sometimes my planning and development of the online learning in my class can be haphazard.  ADDIE gives me a process that I can use moving forward.

Peer Feedback


Throughout the course, I have received positive feedback on aspects of my course prototype as I worked on it.  I received similar feedback from my group mates last class and appreciate all their generous comments.  They thought it was thorough and included a diversity of activities that could meet the needs of all students.  Those with some familiarity with Teams were interested in how I organized the course using Class Notebook and thought overall it was clear for students to follow and access.  Thank you to all who provided feedback, comments and questions.


Despite the shortened class length, this class was all I was hoping it would be – the learning, collaboration opportunities, sharing, and building on and of new knowledge. I am taking much away to start my teaching in the fall!  While this is my second time round using Discord, I am still working on being a proficient and prolific user.  It is not something I turn to regularly and is one area of this course I could improve on.  Thank you to all who shared and posted!  I read and followed!

So, here is the link for my course walk-through.  I hope you enjoy it!


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