“I Believe…” Statements

  • I believe that every child matters.
  • I believe that all children must feel safe and loved.
  • I believe that all children must feel like they belong. 
  • I believe that different students learn in different ways.
  • I believe exposure to different types of learning is key.
  • I believe that teachers must accommodate diversity within the classroom.
  • I believe that even the smallest achievements should be celebrated.
  • I believe that education is changing rapidly.
  • I believe in inclusive education.
  • I believe that children will rise to your expectations.
  • I believe that the teacher sets the tone in the classroom.
  • I believe that we must normalize Indigenous knowledge in the curriculum so that both Indigenous and conventional perspectives and knowledge are available for all.
  • I believe in meeting children where they’re at.
  • I believe that connections are key.
  • I believe that every child has a voice.
  • I believe that teachers must be open to change.
  • I believe that teachers must adapt their teaching and classrooms to fit the needs of their students.
  • I believe that we as teachers are lifelong learners.