Recommendation Letter

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is written with my full support and recommendation for Taylor Blake.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Taylor from November to January, 2019 as a volunteer in my Jr. FIAP classroom. This specialized program consists of 10 special needs students with a variety of requirements and demands. 

In working with and getting to know Taylor, she is a very friendly and approachable young lady who has a positive attitude and is easy to interact and to communicate with. She has a good connection with children through her ability to understand their needs and feelings with limited direction. She eagerly and competently handled any types of challenging situations and/or behaviours with generosity, maturity, confidence, and integrity.

Her commitment, drive, dedication, and leadership skills are truly an inspiration to others. She is a remarkable young lady who became a part of our school family and we are always excited when she comes back to visit.  She is admired and respected by many of my colleagues who also had the opportunity of working with her as a volunteer. 


Jennifer Beattie

Jr. FIAP Special Needs Teacher